Mid Week Run 7-8-09
I met up with the Wednesday running group this morning for a five mile run. I had been doing my tempo runs on Wednesdays, but wanted to change it up to be able to run with the group.
We started with a really slow first mile (13:13). Normally I hate running this slow, but when you are with a group it makes it nice to be able to talk with everyone for a while.
I was with three other runners after the first mile and we picked up the pace (8:52). For some reason I thought the group was running a different route and I lost them after two miles (so much for the group run)...
I ended up turning back at the Downtown Market. I was not planning on running fast, but kept the pace up for the next two miles (8:45, 8:47). I finished with a cool down mile (9:40). My mileage was actually about five and a half miles when I got back to MUSC because I screwed up the route so bad. Oh well, it was fun anyway...