I Made it and I'm Still Alive!

I will write a full recap of the run in the next few days.
Big thanks to everyone who sent me emails, text messages, left FB comments and sent smoke signals to me while I was on this crazy adventure.
This was something I would have never though possible just a few short years ago. I want to share something my wife wrote while I was heading out Saturday morning. I love how she get me...

Yes, it was hard. Yes, I questioned my sanity at times, Yes, I questioned my ability a lot.

Yes, it was an amazing adventure!
So once again I ask, "How lucky am I that I took that first (hard, painful, sweaty, slow, awkward) step?".
Much more to come later...
For more "stuff" checkout my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.
Want to run a 5K? Get your Summer started the right way by joining the next Couch to 5K group!
Register today for the class starting May 5th!
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