Tempo Run - 5-20-09

Met at MUSC at 6:00am for a five mile Tempo Run. There were about 10 of us. The temperature was nice and cool.

We started with a slow mile then ran three fast and cooled down for the last mile.

The first mile (10:45) we ran as a large group. As we hit the second mile I ran with another runner for the rest of the route. Miles two to four (7:45). It really did not feel too hard, but I could tell we were moving. I was surprised at how fast we were going after the third mile mark. We cooled down on mile five (9:30), but we did do a sprint at the end (maybe 400 m).

This was a great run again. You really need someone to push you to get the speed up in the middle of a run. I felt great and any stiffness I had from the PFT is gone. This workout is going to really help me on my next 5k.


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