Track Workout - 6-19-09

1 x 800 - warm up
6 x 200 - 100 cool down
6 x 300 - 200 cool down
4 x 400 - 300 cool down
1 x 400 - all out
1 x 800 cool down
I was a little fast on pace, but pretty consistent.
200 - :58 (:53, :54, :56, :54, :52, :52)
300 - 1:27 (1:19, 1:22, 1:24, 1:22, 1:21, 1:22)
400 - 1:56 (1:52, 1:57, 1:53, 1:54)
400 - all out (1:40)
The last 400 was a rabbit run. I was the middle runner chasing the first runner and another runner was chasing me.
I was really working hard to keep the pace on the last set of 400's so I know I still need to work on endurance. I was pretty tired after this workout. The total mileage was over five miles.