Weekly Recap - 8-28-10

Completely random - I found this old picture of my son and I from five years ago.

Now on to the weekly recap (from www.DailyMile.com):

Sunday - Rest Day

Monday - Nice ten mile recovery run mix from my office downtown, over the Cooper River Bridge, out to the end of the Mount Pleasant Water Front Park pier and back. First six miles were at a slow recovery pace (10:00+), last four miles I pushed marathon pace (8:50 -). Storms followed me the whole way...

Tuesday - Hardcore evening track workout (5 miles): 1x800 warm up, drills, 4x200 (:48) - 100 rec, 4x300 (1:12) - 200 rec, 4x400 (1:37) - 300 rec, 1x800 cool down. I hit my splits within +-2 seconds. I was good on my rest intervals until the last two 400's (I rested about 20-30 seconds too long). The pace was around 6:30 so I was really pushing it in the heat. I was wiped out!!!

Wednesday - Eight mile run over the Ashley River Bridge and back from my office.  My pace was steady (9:33).  Special note: I was lucky enough to meet the nastiest gas station attendant in Charleston at the Circle K off Hwy 61.

Thursday - Five mile afternoon tempo run.  Warm up mile and then four tempo miles. I was going out for eight, but it was just too hot!!!

Friday - Easy four mile afternoon run Downtown (10:00).

Saturday - Twelve mile long run out to Sullivan's Island and back to the Old Village. First mile was a slow warm up, then four quick miles at half marathon pace (8:24). Slowed down for five miles coming back (my knee was hurting). Then ran two fast miles (8:30) to end the run.

Total for the week = 44 miles

That's about it for the week.  The heat is still killing me, the track workout was killer, the long run was nice, and I was fortunate enough to meet the nastiest gas station attendant in the entire world.  Not a bad week...

Oh, who else uses Daily Mile?  I love that site! 


  1. Your son is so cute...

    How old is he now?

    chaco sandals

  2. Thanks Kizzy! That was a few years ago. He is almost seven now...


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