I Love My Hot, Humid, Touristy Town!
I love this town (heat, humidity and even the tourists). Charleston, SC, is an awesome place to run!
Yesterday, I ran a quick four miles around Downtown Charleston. It's where I work and I am lucky enough to have a shower in my office, so afternoons are a perfect time to get in a run (if you can stand the heat, humidity and the tourists).
One of my downtown routes starts on Queen Street (in front of my office). I run over to Colonial Lake, past the Coast Guard Station and then out to the Charleston Battery.
The Battery runs along the Charleston Harbor. As you run along the Battery you can hear the waves hitting the barrier wall next to the sidewalk (I really get lost in this sound). In fact, I was running in a complete zone when out of nowhere a wave crashed against the wall and sprayed me. It was freaking awesome!!!
The side walk has a few stairs to go up, but it gives you an even better view of the ocean. You can see Fort Sumter, the Yorktown Aircraft Carrier, and the Cooper River Bridge. It's an amazing site when all of it comes into view.
Even though it was crazy hot and humid, the wind was blowing and the run felt great. I ran past a group of little kids on a tour and they all started giving me high fives (so cool).
I ran down to the Water Front Park where I saw kids playing in the pineapple fountain and tourists walking around the fishing pier.
I saw a couple taking pictures of each other so I stopped for a few seconds and offered to take their picture. I think they got a big kick out of me stopping to take their picture.
I saw a couple taking pictures of each other so I stopped for a few seconds and offered to take their picture. I think they got a big kick out of me stopping to take their picture.
I ran down to the US Custom House and up the steps (love doing that).
Finally, I ran up the Market and then back down East Bay Street to my office off Broad Street.
Finally, I ran up the Market and then back down East Bay Street to my office off Broad Street.