Apology from the Cooper River Bridge Run
Yes, the 2012 Cooper River Bridge 10k had some problems...
The delay - sucked!
Running out of water - inexcusable.
Vanessa Hill (emcee) - irritating!
People hoarding food and water at the end - unreal!
I still had fun and I sill love this race!
The Bridge Run Board of Directors wrote an apology letter and sent it to all the runners / walkers (36,000 +). The Post & Courier published it as well.
I thought I would share it and see what you all think. Is it good enough? Did you run/walk the race? If so, are you planning on doing it again? If not, does this make it even more likely that you will not do this race?
At this time we are working to confirm the details and facts surrounding the delayed start. We do know that transporting runners to the start line did not occur in a timely manner, which was the initial cause of the delay that we all experienced. There have been numerous reasons reported and discussed on various social media and news outlets, but until we determine exactly what happened, it is all speculation and rumor and it would be irresponsible for us to act on anything other than facts. The Board and staff are meeting this week to work on confirming the causes of the delay and to develop appropriate solutions.
The loyalty of the thousands of runners and walkers that return year after year is one of the reasons that the Bridge Run has grown and attained the level of success and recognition that it receives. Those of you who have been involved with this race before know that we have always worked hard to provide the very best experience possible. To those new to the race, let us assure you that what you experienced at this year’s race is not typical. We, the CRBR staff, Board members and supporting agencies, appreciate your participation and we owe it to each and every one of you to do our collective best to provide you with the highest quality 10K race anywhere.
Your high expectations for this race and our commitment to meet those expectations is what drives us toward perfection in planning and providing for your safety. Keep those expectations high and don’t settle for anything less! Whatever the causes were, we will fix them!
Most sincerely,
Ken Ayoub
Chairman, CRBR Board of Directors
Julian Smith
Race Director, CRBR
I think I'll update my tips for the Bridge Run after I hear what changes they make.
Let me know what you think.
The delay - sucked!
Running out of water - inexcusable.
Vanessa Hill (emcee) - irritating!
People hoarding food and water at the end - unreal!
I still had fun and I sill love this race!
The Bridge Run Board of Directors wrote an apology letter and sent it to all the runners / walkers (36,000 +). The Post & Courier published it as well.
I thought I would share it and see what you all think. Is it good enough? Did you run/walk the race? If so, are you planning on doing it again? If not, does this make it even more likely that you will not do this race?
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
On behalf of all of us associated with the management of the Bridge Run, as Chairman of the Board of Directors and as Race Director, we both offer our most sincere apologies to each and every one of you who endured the unprecedented problems that you were faced with during this 35th and largest edition of the Bridge Run. As a testament to our continued efforts for perfection, we will be taking the necessary steps to help ensure this will never happen again. We pledge to do our very best to present to you the highest quality 10K race that Charleston Area residents and visitors deserve and nothing less!At this time we are working to confirm the details and facts surrounding the delayed start. We do know that transporting runners to the start line did not occur in a timely manner, which was the initial cause of the delay that we all experienced. There have been numerous reasons reported and discussed on various social media and news outlets, but until we determine exactly what happened, it is all speculation and rumor and it would be irresponsible for us to act on anything other than facts. The Board and staff are meeting this week to work on confirming the causes of the delay and to develop appropriate solutions.
The loyalty of the thousands of runners and walkers that return year after year is one of the reasons that the Bridge Run has grown and attained the level of success and recognition that it receives. Those of you who have been involved with this race before know that we have always worked hard to provide the very best experience possible. To those new to the race, let us assure you that what you experienced at this year’s race is not typical. We, the CRBR staff, Board members and supporting agencies, appreciate your participation and we owe it to each and every one of you to do our collective best to provide you with the highest quality 10K race anywhere.
Your high expectations for this race and our commitment to meet those expectations is what drives us toward perfection in planning and providing for your safety. Keep those expectations high and don’t settle for anything less! Whatever the causes were, we will fix them!
Most sincerely,
Ken Ayoub
Chairman, CRBR Board of Directors
Julian Smith
Race Director, CRBR
I think I'll update my tips for the Bridge Run after I hear what changes they make.
Let me know what you think.
I will NEVER do the bridge run again after my terrible experience for the 2012 run. NEVER!!!