Some of My Favorite Blogs

Day seven and I am already picking from the "bonus topic list".  Uh oh...

Nothing really fancy here, just my top ten blogs that I read (I am just too lazy to do a top 100 list):

  • Runner Dude - Great advice and stories from someone who knows what he is talking about (unlike me).
  • Charleston Runs - My running coach's site.  Great training information.  I even write some of these posts.
  • Summits and Valleys: A Mountain Runner's Life - One of my buddies from high school.  He runs Ultras, snowboards, and other crazy stuff in CO.
  • Pace Per Mile (more of a radio show than a blog, but its my list!) - Chris hosts a great internet radio show.  He is currently running around the USA (he has already run across the USA!).
  • Muddy Runner - Really cool blog from the other coast.  He lost a bunch of weight and is very motivating.
  • Running Geek - Joel just cracks me up.  He is an awesome runner, coaches his kids, and married one of my best friends from college!
  • Charleston Daily Photo - The name says it all.  Not a running blog, but I love the photos captured on this site.
  • Shut Up and Run - When I am unmotivated and need a push, I read this blog.  Great stuff!
  • The Healthy Adventurer - From one of my friends living in Japan.  Cool stuff about food, exercise and just daily life.  She is married to one of the Marines that helped me get into shape too.
  • Mile Posts - Dorthy is just a bad ass runner and she was recently on the cover of Womens Running Magazine!

So that's it for now.  Maybe I will put together a list of all the blogs I read, but that's going to take up a lot of space!

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