Struggling Over the Old Bridge

I really need a catchy phrase like "Flashback Friday" or something like that, but I'm just not that creative so here it is: Its Friday and I have a flashback.

On the Old Bridge with my Awesome Sis (2005)!
Yesterday, as I was signing my son and I up for the Cooper River Bridge 10K, I started thinking back to my first time doing the Bridge.

In 2005, I signed up to walk the Cooper River Bridge 5K. It was the last time the race would have a 5K distance and it was the last time the race would go over the old bridge.

My sister, Joan, flew all the way from Indianapolis to do the race with me. I was just starting to workout (still had not done anything about my eating) and she wanted to do a race with me.

This picture is from the top of one of the old spans. I was smiling, but I was struggling. My sister was really encouraging and kept me going the whole way.

I was 34 year old...

I still can't believe I'm in better shape now than I was in my 20's and 30's.

I will never be able to truly explain how difficult it was to make that change. A lot of people that know me from my running circles really don't know how far I have come. Its not something I talk about every day, but when I'm coaching a Couch to 5K group it really brings it back to me. I see so many people struggling, just like I did, and I know they think its just them.

Its hard to think that it will get any better when its an effort to just breath, when your joints hurt, when you're covered in sweat after just a few minutes, when you see people running so much faster, and when your clothes just don't fit as well as you would like...

I just want them to know that it does get better.  It gets freaking GREAT!

How lucky am I that I took that first (hard, painful, sweaty, slow, awkward) step?

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1 comment:

  1. I love this picture :). I used to do blogs called Way Back Wednesday, so that's one you can use if you ever write something like this on a Wednesday, hehe.

    I really try to help newbies understand that every step is one in the right direction. Yes, runners like you and I are fast and capable of running half marathon distances and longer- but it's important to keep perspective, that we've been running for years. Everyone has to start somewhere! It's amazing that you started, I started, and all the C25K people did, they are great people and so enthusiastic and fun to be around :).


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