Mid Week Run - 6-1-09

Father's Day came early and I got my Garmin 405 today!!! It is the coolest workout watch in the world. I charged it up and went for my six mile run. I am just getting the hang of it, but I could tell exactly how far I ran and what my pace was as I ran. How cool is that?
I ran through the Old Village and even though there was some shade, it was hot. Of course I did wait until 2:00pm to go for the run (had to charge the watch).
I was trying to hit a 10:17 pace, but I was getting used to the Garmin 405 and needed to play around with it a little. I averaged a 9:40 pace for the six miles. I continued to work on my form as I ran and noticed that I kept accelerating as my form improved. I think the more I practice this the better I will get.
When I got back home and walked in the door the Garmin 405 started downloading my workout to the computer. Now how am I going to keep from running three times a day?...
Hi there - I just found your blog! I can't wait to read your story! I've lost nearly 50lbs and am finally running. What a great father's day present - a Garmin! I'm very jealous :)