Boot Camp - 8-13-09

It was another fun morning at Boot Camp...

We started out fast and never slowed down. After warming up in the gym, the Marines started yelling at us to get out! They motivated us by adding that we had less than a minute to get on the roof (fun, fun).

I ran a little over a mile and then we were "asked" to join the Marines in the middle of the roof. We lined up in two lines facing each other and heard those ugly words "you know what's coming don't you?".

We did know what was coming...

One side did exersices and the other side sprinted to the wall and back. At one point we even had to run the stairs while the other group was in the plank position. We alternated exercises and sprinting for well over thirty minutes. After this we ran two laps around the track. We finished up with more upper body and ab exercises until we ran out of time.

Fun, fun , fun...


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