Track Workout - 8-12-09

The workout was as follows:
1 x 800 warm up
6 x 200 - 100 recovery (:56)
6 x 300 - 200 recovery (1:24)
6 x 400 - 300 recovery (1:52)
1 x 800 cool down
I started with an 800 warm up and then did a quick stretch. The weather was so nice, it was cooler than it was in the morning.
I hit my pace on everything I ran. I was a little fast on some of my splits, but I think that was due to the weather.
200 (:54, :54, :52, :54, :52, :52)
300 (1:18, 1:19, 1:20, 1:18, 1:20, 1:23)
400 (1:46, 1:47, 1:46: 1:48) - I only did four
I finished up with an 800 cool down.
My son had such a good time. He ran with me for a warm up lap, did a bunch of sprints, practiced the long jump and even watched an adult flag football game while I was running.
It was really nice having him out there with me...
Great work!