My 40th Year

Forty!?!  Are you kidding me?  How can I be forty???

Okay, its not really that bad and I'm actually forty-one now...

I didn't even complain (that much) when I turned forty :)  I actually love how old I am and how great I feel!

Yesterday my wife gave me my birthday present (I actually turned forty-one on November 6th, but it wasn't ready yet).

My present was a quilt made out of thirty of my t-shirts.  Not just any t-shirts.  My first XXL Boot Camp shirt is in it; my first marathon race shirt is in it, my first Ultra race shirt is in it; and my first 200 Mile Relay race shirt is in it!

It's freaking awesome!!!

Looking back on my fortieth year now is a little strange...

I wanted my fortieth year to be a big one and it was.   I started and ended exactly the way I wanted, running a marathon on my birthday and running a marathon on the last day!

So in true running blog form - here is my recap of the Big 40...

Oh! I'm now in a new age group.  Really not that great as there are some super fast 40-44 year olds, but it sure is nice to be one of the young guns in the group :)


November 6th (my birthday) I ran the Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis, IN (new PB - 3:59:47).

November 20th (two weeks later) I ran the Valley of Fire Marathon near Las Vegas, NV (after spending a week in Las Vegas for my birthday!).

January 1st I became a TrySports Ambassador (would never have thought I would be on a team of athletes at forty or any other age).

January 15th I ran the first annual Charleston Marathon in Charleston, SC.

March 12th I ran the Citadel Bulldog Challenge with my three awesome running partners (Cathy, Annie and Ninja Stuntman) - 9th place.

March 26th I ran the Rugged Maniac (not very hard, but cool to say Rugged Maniac).

April 2nd I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run 10k (new PB - 48:02).

April 7th and 8th I ran the Palmetto 200 (27 hours and 49 minutes - 8th place!)

April 16th my family ran the Krispy Kreme Donut Run as team Moore Ons Running!

April 19th I took my son on his first White Water Rafting trip!

May 16th I was part of a Dragon Boat team (what?)!

June 6th my wife and I ran the Floppin Flounder 5K on Sullivan's Island (first time we have ever run a 5K together).

June 25th I ran my first 50K - the Ultramarton Pre Deti 50K (5:02:20 - 2nd place overall).

October I became a RRCA Certified Running Coach!

October 15th I ran the USMC Ultimate Mud Run with my running partners - team SAY SOMETHING!

And on the last day of my fortieth year...

November 5th I ran the Rock n' Roll Savannah Marathon with my wife (it was her first Half Marathon)!

In addition, my son completed his 100 Mile Kids Ultra Marathon and helped raise over $1,700 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund!

So now I move into my forty first year (already set a new 5k PB - 22:59).

I am a lucky man; I have an amazing wife, an awesome son, great friends, a wonderful job and I am in the best shape of my life!

Bring it on forty-one!  Let's see what we can do this year!

Update: for some reason I can not get the comments section to work on my blog right now.  So, if you really want to leave me a message (I really do like feedback) go to my Facebook Page and leave it there (plus I like my little Like number to go up).

Copyright © 2012 Moore On Running.