Tempo Run - 9-1-09

I ran my eight mile tempo run from MUSC this morning. There were four of us at the start, but I ran most of the way with Andrew. We ran around the Battery and up East Bay. We pasted the Market and the US Customs House and turned around after Calhoun Street (the US Customs House looks cool even in the dark).
We did our normal slow warm up mile at the start (12:50). I was really feeling good from yesterday's recovery run. We went hard for the next three miles (8:07, 8:01, 8:17). I slowed down at the turn around and almost got hit by a car coming back (only draw back to running in the morning is that people are driving half awake). Andrew pulled ahead of me so I had to dig in for the last few miles to keep up the pace (8:38, 8:28, 8:19). At least I was getting faster on the last two miles.
I met back up with Andrew and we ran a cool down mile (10:32).
I did notice that on the way out there is a slight incline and I tend to slow down. Its not much, so I think it is more mental the physical. I also noticed that the wind dies down when you hit East Bay so the temperature goes up about 5-10 degrees.
Looks like this weather is going to hang around for the whole week. I am really looking forward to our twenty mile run on Saturday (sick, can't believe I just wrote that)...