Track Workout - 10-07-09

We started the track workout at 5:45am. My legs had recovered from the long run and I was ready for a good workout.

1 x 800 warm up

4 x 200 (:54) - 100 recovery

4 x 300 (1:21) - 200 recovery

4 x 400 (1:49) - 300 recovery

1 x 800 cool down

The humidity was high and the wind did not start blowing until the end of the workout. I am really hoping for nice cool weather in DC. As part of our taper, we dropped the sets from six to four.
My splits were a little fast, but were really good:

200 (:47, :52, :49, :48)

300 (1:19, 1:15, 1:18, 1:18)

400 (1:44, 1:47, 1:46, 1:47)


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